Some flags and LED colors as images to customize your badge
Owner: Control-K & BublebeeSome flags and LED colors as images to customize your badge
Owner: Control-K & BublebeeA demo tildagon app for showing how to explore an api
Owner: proffalkenAn ArtNet receiver for your badge! Currently a little janky and hard-coded
Owner: mich181189A demo tildagon app for use with Hex Drive hexpansion
Owner: Team RobotmadA realworld creature collecting RPG for the Tildagon!
Owner: Analogue StickPixel art animations (+ upload your own at
Owner: lucasjonesAn app for browsing drinks available at the bars.
Owner: jake-walkerSee badge battery state
Owner: hughrawlinsonShows detailed information about the battery percentage, voltage levels and charging state.
Owner: Matt Emerick-LawCheck the battery voltage
Owner: cibomahtoAn app for BEAST camp 2024!
Owner: archey347A battery app that works!
Owner: BlaineAn analogue clock that usually doesn't crash!
Owner: BlaineA silly app that makes your badge blingy!
Owner: riteshUse only with breadboard hexpansions. Toggle the state of eGPIO and GPIO pins.
Owner: naomiSimple spirit level aka bubble App
Owner: Merlin HowseCompanion app for the Club Mate haptics hexpansion. Up and down buttons change the jitter frequency!
Owner: walkerdannya lil cat for your badge, you can even pet the cutie :3
Owner: ashhhleyyyA Simple analogue clock
Owner: tomsciA clock / watch for your Tildagon. Hardcoded to BST.
Owner: edentA simple badge app with some spinning hexagons
Owner: davermouseImportant Duck Facts for your Tildagon
Owner: andypiperFrustrating drawing tool. Shake upside down to erase.
Owner: JimmuApp for controlling the NeoPixels on the EEH LED Logo Hexpansion. Come see us at EMF 2026 if you want to buy one of our hexpansions.
Owner: Matt Emerick-LawA reimplementation of an ancient Palm Pilot game, SFCave
Owner: pikesleyEMF never ended. Find out what day of the festival it is today.
Owner: MartinHSpinny EMF 2024 logo with trippy background colours
Owner: MartinHA northerner simulator.
Owner: mboothMy Cool Tildagon App
Owner: ferdinandsmitA Flappy Bird style game
Owner: AndreasThinksControl the Fluroclock at EMF, from your badge!
Owner: John Rogers & Ben ErikssonSimulate Life exactly as Conway imagined it
Owner: KimbsyGCHQ Badge companion app
Owner: GCHQ.NETA Googly Eye. Everyone loves Googly Eyes. The physics is a bit jank.
Owner: usedbytesA greyscale 'Hello my name is' sticker style Tildagon name badge. Rendering based on jake-walker's
Owner: AgentAntelopeThe essential navigation (and tracking) tool for EMF 2024. Allows the wearer to beam their current location to HABVille, through the medium of receipt printing. (to be clear, this will actually print a physical receipt of your location at HABVille (during EMF 2024)).
Owner: Tom DalbyHack the Planet
Owner: Sam TygierA simple 'Hello my name is' sticker style Tildagon name badge
Owner: jake-walkerSome visuals inspired by Ryoji Ikeda. Use the A and D buttons to switch between different modes.
Owner: DolicaAkelloEgwelSee the readings of the IMU as you move the badge.
Owner: naomiEMF 2024 App to get the IP of your badge.
Owner: LGDanA JSON style clock that uses your ip to work out local time.
Owner: pixelscriptShake the Magic 8 Ball to learn your fate.
Owner: DolicaAkelloEgwelEnter the Matrix
Owner: emuboyA utility to update the firmware of the Megadrive interface hexpansion
Owner: Matthew WilkesMiner Willy wandering around your Tildagon
Owner: pikesleyA Clock with support for multiple faces
Owner: estuansRecreation of the classic Window 3.1 screensaver Mystify.
Owner: CheuktingShows nottinghack logo
Owner: aaronjacksonControl the LEDs on the Pacman hexpansion created by The Untitled Goose.
Owner: Matt Emerick-LawElastically-colliding particles
Owner: pikesleyEMF 2024 App to invoke dark powers.
Owner: grimmwareA simple pride flag visualiser, but circles! Use the B / E buttons to cycle through flags, use A / D to control brightness. Now with LEDs!
Owner: ClaireA badge if your name is Richard!
Owner: richardocControl the roygbiVW LED van!
Owner: thomasmichaelwallaceSome bouncing blobs on your TIldagon. See the README for what the buttons do
Owner: pikesleyTell time on the Tildagon. See the README for what the buttons do
Owner: pikesleyA reimplementation of an ancient game. Shake the badge to start or move to the next round
Owner: pikesleyPlay snake on your tildagon badge.
Owner: naomiPlay snake by tilting your tildagon badge. Press CONFIRM to start.
Owner: naomiSome Space Invaders on your Tildagon
Owner: pikesleyA simple speed test app, downloads for 5s then displays the speed
Owner: MikeS159Literally just a spinning cube. Press buttons to change colours, rotation and trails
Owner: pixelscriptRed tomato with animated eyes.
Owner: saukothariA simulation of a starfield press right for colours
Owner: pixelscriptPlay Tetris on your Tildagon! π₯π₯π₯π₯
Owner: rbirkbyParty LEDs! Press different buttons to find out.
Owner: felixweberA torch! Press B to turn on and off.
Owner: felixweberA simple torch, lasts 3-4 hours
Owner: jiphexSwitch between multiple Wifi networks
Owner: RichardoCA wormhole effect which renders too slowly
Owner: usedbytes